Corporate support
The Fourth Reserve Foundation wish to say a Big Thank You! to our fabulous Funders, Supporters and Sponsors.
As well as many generous donations of funding and time from the local community we would like to thank the following organisations for supporting us:

The Co-Op
For generously funding various resources and equipment that have enabled children to experience, enjoy and explore the Buckthorne Cutting woodland and wildlife.

Groundwork helped us transform the front of the nature reserve with steps and signage to inform visitors of the history and ecology of the site.

Lewisham council
London Borough of Lewisham
Who have granted us seed funding to pay for ecology surveys and the creation of steps that have enabled us to expand the space. For also providing insurance for our many amazing volunteers.

Nature's Gym
For providing a team of volunteers to help restore the reed bed and create/clear paths.

Drumbeat School, For weekly work experience support that has helped keep on top of litter and bramble along the front of the reserve.

The global internet search engine provider who use their profits to plant trees where they are most needed for their generous donation to the save Gorne Wood campaign.

For funding the purchase of a secure storage shed on the site for the materials and equipment needed to make the space more accessible for families.

Awards for all
Awards For All
For funding to make the approach and entrance to the reserve more welcoming, including the fence and foraging garden.

For giving us the license to run the nature reserve and on-going support with managing the site as a community space.

University of East London
For creating an outdoor classroom space and bringing their creativity and expertise to the nature reserve in building beautiful learning spaces for Lewisham’s children.

Great North Wood
Great North Wood Project
For giving advice and guidance as well as leading tree walks on Open Days explaining the value of the many trees on the site.

Our very first funders who paid for birdhouses, magnifying glasses and other equipment to give to children visiting the reserve.

Feminist Review Trust
Feminist Review Trust
For funding the eco toilet and costs of the well-being events for female refugees and asylum seekers.

Barclays Volunteers
For providing a team of volunteers to help with very heavy work such as transporting wood chip and clearing bramble.

Kennedy Woods
Kennedy Woods Architects have created the most wonderful illustration on the entire Buckthorne Cutting demonstrating it’s value, it’s potential and it’s links to the local area.

For providing the cable drums and pallets as part of their sustainability initiative.