1990 Ecology Survey: “one of the best in the borough“
An ecology survey by Nick Bertrand was submitted as evidence to a Public Inquiry in November 1990, highlighting the ecological value of the site. The account states:
“The value of the site is one of mature woodland and glades. The oldest parts of this have some fine sweet chestnut trees of considerable age… These and a field maple suggest the woodland has been present on site for a considerable time. Burton’s Flora of the London Area shows these species [field maple and sweet chestnut] to be absent from inner London and this site is one of the very few places where it can be found at the edge of this void.
Thomas Milne’s 1800 land use map shows arable and meadow fields here, and the northernmost edge of the North Wood, some 200 metres to the south…Other woodland species lend variety to the structure and food sources for animals. These include oak, elm, sycamore, gean, elder, hawthorn, while on the steep slopes down to the railway there are also downy birch, ash and beech.
Birds recorded from the site include great spotted woodpecker, blackbird, wren, long- tailed tit, woodpigeon, jay, great tit, blue tit, song thrush, blackbird, dunnock, blackcap, collared dove, tawny owl, carrion crow and magpie, the majority of which including the woodpecker, doubtless breed there…Long list of fungi for its position within London.
The site is thus an integral part of, and a major component of a larger site which is one of the very best in the Borough. The appeal site itself has mature trees of species which are rarely found this near to central London and it is the best available in a wide area of the surrounding suburbs.”
Lewisham Bird Survey 2022
During 2022 we were very happy to host James Newton and to assist with sightings for his wonderful and comprehensive Lewisham Bird Survey. His report can be downloaded via the below link